If you finish each summer tired of those annoying mosquito bites, this simple app for your Android device will be a big help for you.
Anti Mosquito provides you with an effective solution to this problem each time you connect to it. It has a function that allows you to rest at night without worrying about mosquitoes.
The tool works by using ultrasound. Despite what you might think, it doesn't use up too much battery life. It automatically reduces the screen brightness in order to keep you phone on for as long as possible.
So, you just have to adjust the tone, which humans can't hear but mosquitoes can, and let it get to work.
This useful app will allow you to avoid the unnecessary expense of purchasing bug spray and keep you from breathing toxic fumes the whole night. Anti mosquito is a natural, green-friendly app that is good for humans, too.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 10.4 Tiger or higher required
I'm going to try it